Thursday, November 26, 2009

Banjir di Arab Saudi, Apakah Kiamat Sudah Dekat?

saudi banjir floodHujan sangat lebat dan banjir besar melanda Arab Saudi. Menurut gulfnews, 13 orang tewas dan ribuan jamaah haji terperangkap di bandara di Jeddah, Rabu kemarin (25/11).

Ada apakah dengan hal ini? Seperti diketahui, Saudi merupakan negara Arab yang panas. Jika pun terjadi hujan, itupun tak pernah besar dan hanya terjadi dalam waktu yang berjarak lama.

Banjir menggenangi semua jalanan kota Mekkah."Kami terjebak karena air dan hujan. Insya Allah, semuanya akan baik-baik saja. " kata Hakan, seorang jamaah Turki dari Istanbul ketika ia menunggu bus ke Mekah.

Ini adalah curah hujan yang paling berat selama bertahun-tahun, yang tidak pernah terjadi di kerajaan Saudi, banjir memampat banyak jalan dan bangunan di Jeddah. Saat ini sekitar 1,6 juta jamaah haji datang dari berbagai pelosok dunia.

Mungkin ada baiknya kita merenungi salah satu hadist Rasulullah SAW: "Hari Akhir tidak akan datang kepada kita sampai dataran Arab sekali lagi menjadi dataran berpadang rumput dan dipenuhi dengan sungai-sungai." (HR Muslim). Adakah hubungannya dengan hal ini? Wallohu a'lam bis shawwab. (sa/gulfnews, eramuslim)


Rose - Scientific Classification and Uses

multi color rosesRose is a perennial flower shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae, that contains over 100 species and comes in a variety of colors. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Natives, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance.

Scientific classification:

The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval-shaped leaflets. The plant's fleshy edible fruit, which ripens in the late summer through autumn, is called a rose hip. Rose plants range in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 7 meters in height. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, which has given rise to the many types of garden roses.

Roses are best known for their flowers. Roses are popular garden shrubs, as flowering shrubs. They are also grown as cut flowers, as one of the most popular and commonly sold florists' flowers. A few roses are grown for scented foliage (such as Rosa rubiginosa, ornamental thorns, Rosa sericea or their ornamental fruit Rosa moyesii). Roses are also of great value to the perfume industry. An attar of roses is distilled from the flowers. The rose hip, the fruit of some species, is used as a minor source of Vitamin C. Roses may also be planted as hedging, and for game cover.

Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. The rose is the national flower of England and the United States. 'Rose' means pink or red in a variety of languages, such as Romance languages, Greek, and Polish.

Rose perfumes are made from attar of roses or rose oil, which is a mixture of volatile essential oils obtained by steam distilling the crushed petals of roses. The technique originated in Persia (the word Rose itself is from Persian) then spread through Arabia and India, but nowadays about 70% to 80% of production is in the Rose Valley near Kazanluk in Bulgaria, with some production in Qamsar in Iran and Germany.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Penyakit di Musim Hujan

Musim hujan telah tiba, penyakit khas musim hujanpun bermunculan. Kenali jenisnya dan cara pencegahannya.

Masyarakat perlu mewaspadai beberapa penyakit berikut:

1. Penyakit yang disebabkan virus seperti flu, demam berdarah, diare dan muntah.
2. Penyakit yang disebabkan bakteri dan parasit, terutama di daerah yang airnya meluap sehingga bakteri dan parasit dari septic tank atau kotoran hewan terangkat dan hanyut. Mengkontaminasi air dan bahan makanan seperti sayur, dan menginfeksi manusia, menyebabkan penyakit seperti diare, disentri, cacingan.
3. Penyakit yang disebabkan jamur, karena kelembaban pada pakaian yang tidak bisa dikeringkan dengan baik, menyebabkan jamur kulit seperti di selangkangan, sela jari kaki, lipat payudara.

Sedangkan penyakit yang tidak berhubungan dengan lingkungan tapi terkait dengan perubahan cuaca adalah:
1. Asma, kalau peka terhadap cuaca mungkin jadi sering kambuh, bisa disertai infeksi bakteri yang penyembuhannya jadi lebih lama.
2. Hidung sering tersumbat karena keseimbangan persyarafan didaerah hidung terganggu

Sementara kebiasaan buruk yang muncul saat musim hujan datang adalah:
1. Mudah lapar, sehingga makan lebih banyak, kemungkinan berat badan meningkat, gangguan metabolisme seperti glukosa darah jadi terganggu, kolesterol meningkat, kekebalan tubuh menurun.
2. Kurang minum karena khawatir sering ke toilet yang memudahkan infeksi saluran kemih pada wanita.
3. Sering merokok dengan alasan menghilangkan dingin padahal sudah jelas merokok mengancam kesehatan paru.

Agar tetap sehat di musim hujan, disarankan:

1. Usahakan melakukan pemanasan badan dengan olahraga ringan pada pagi hari. Sedikit stretching, jalan cepat, loncat-loncat sudah akan membuat sedikit berkeringat dan menghangatkan badan.

Sesampai tempat kerja, gunakan tangga sesering mungkin (kalau kerja di lantai 23, cukup naik lift sampai lantai 21, lalu naik tangga sampai lantai 23).

2. Sediakan sepatu, kaos kaki (pria), stocking (wanita) ekstra di kantor sehingga kaki tidak perlu basah. Lebih praktis lagi kalau sepatu kantor hanya dipakai di kantor. Waktu pergi dari rumah gunakan sepatu lain atau bahkan sendal yang mudah dikeringkan sehingga sampai di kantor, sesudah dikeringkan supaya tidak bau, tinggal disimpan dalam kantung kedap air dan tertutup jadi tetap rapi kalau disimpan di bawah meja kerja.

Kenakan kaos kaki atau stocking sesudah sampai di tempat kerja sesudah mengeringkan kaki dengan handuk kecil/tissue/handuk kertas. Kalau dalam bekerja diperlukan banyak bepergian, siapkan sepatu (pilih yang ringan dan anti slip) dalam tas, kenakan sesudah di tempat tujuan.

Semua itu bertujuan untuk mencegah kita jalan berjinjit (dengan harapan tidak begitu basah, padahal tidak ada gunanya karena air tetap merembes dari ujung sepatu dan melembabi jari kaki, daerah yang mudah untuk ditumbuhi jamur baik kulit atau kuku). Jamur kulit kaki bisa menyebabkan bau yang keras, sementara jamur kuku perlu waktu lama untuk penyembuhan.

3. Banyak minum air hangat, bisa diberi sedikit jahe tanpa gula atau pepermint, beberapa tetes juruk nipis/lemon. Ini akan membantu menghangatkan badan dan mengurangi lapar. Minum kopi atau teh akan memacu buang air kecil lebih banyak sehingga menyebabkan kekurangn cairan yang tidak disadari.

4. Sediakan buah seperti pisang, apel/pear/mangga yang sudah dikupas, jeruk yang sudah ranum dalam kotak plastik ringan untuk disantap sewaktu-waktu lapar. Ini akan menghindarkan kelebihan masukan karbohidrat dari tepung seperti roti, nasi, biskuit, crackers, gula, kelebihan garam dan lemak.

5. Jangan lupa payung, bahkan kalau perlu topi plastik yang biasa digunakan kalau mandi, daripada kepala pusing kebasahan atau sakit.
[dikutip dari]


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2010 World Cup South Africa Travel Info

Cape Town Table MountainCape Town Table Mountain. Photo: AFP

The 2010 FIFA World Cup, the premier international football tournament. It is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa. This will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by an African nation. It's the 2010 World Cup travel info for you.

There are nine cities to be used for the World Cup: Mangaung/Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg (two venues), Nelspruit, Polokwane, Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth, Tshwane/Pretoria, and Rustenburg. Five new stadiums are to be built for the tournament (three new match venues and two new practice grounds), and five of the existing venues are to be upgraded.

In addition to the stadiums being built and upgraded, South Africa is also improve its current public transport infrastructure within the various cities, with projects such as the Gautrain and the new Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT) titled Rea Vaya. The country is also going to implement special measures to ensure the safety and security of local and international tourists attending the matches in accordance with standard FIFA requirements.

As one of the host Cities of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Cape Town is the second most populous city in South Africa, and the largest in land area, forming part of the City of Cape Town metropolitan municipality. It is the provincial capital of the Western Cape, as well as the legislative capital of South Africa, where the National Parliament and many government offices are situated.

Cape Town is not only the most popular international tourist destination in South Africa, it is Africa's main tourist destination. This is due to its good climate, natural setting, and well-developed infrastructure. The city has several well-known natural features that attract tourists, most notably Table Mountain, which forms a large part of the Table Mountain National Park and is the back end of the City Bowl. Reaching the top of the mountain can be achieved either by hiking up, or by taking the Table Mountain Cableway. Cape Point is recognised as the dramatic headland at the end of the Cape Peninsula. Many tourists also drive along Chapman's Peak Drive, a narrow road that links Noordhoek with Hout Bay, for the views of the Atlantic Ocean and nearby mountains. It is possible to either drive or hike up Signal Hill for closer views of the City Bowl and Table Mountain.

If you will go there, i suggest you to make preparation. Travel can be very expensive, but you may get a little discount if you book Cape Town Hotel South Africa online via Choose what kind of hotel and what price that is right for you. Don't forget to go to Sea Point, the only high-rise area available along the entire Cape Town shoreline and therefore a very popular area for living, investing and owning first or second homes and apartments. Make sure to choose Seapoint Cape Town Hotels that suits your needs to stay.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hati-hati membeli Chinese Food dan Sea Food

Anda muslim? berhati-hatilah jika anda membeli chinese food dan sea food di warung ato restoran karena ada yang memakai bumbu haram yaitu ANG CIU.

Saya tertarik membahas ini karena banyak diantara kita yang menyukai chinese food seperti cap cay, cah kangkung, pu yung hay, dll. Juga banyak yang menyukai sea food seperti aneka masakan kerang, cumi, kepiting, udang, dll. Suatu hari saat membeli makanan di warung tenda yang menyediakan chinese food dan sea food, mata saya tertuju ke botol yang ada tulisan cina nya. Waktu itu saya tidak tahu itu botol apa. Kemudian beberapa hari kemudian sewaktu belanja di supermarket saya melihat botol itu lagi di deretan rak kecap dan sambal. Tertarik ingin tahu, saya baca tulisan di botol itu, tertulis ANG CIU. Yang bikin saya TERKEJUT, ternyata ang ciu adalah penyedap masakan berupa ARAK. Sebagai muslim saya kaget, jangan-jangan makanan yang saya beli mengandung bahan HARAM. Sudah jelas ARAK hukumnya HARAM.

Penasaran dangan ang ciu, saya nyari info lewat bantuan Google. Ternyata masih banyak bumbu masakan lain yang haram: ada arak putih (pek be ciu), arak merah (ang ciu), arak mie (kue lo ciu), arak gentong, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan untuk masakan Jepang kita mengenal adanya mirin dan sake yang sering ditambahkan dalam menu mereka.

Trus ada teman yang bilang,"udah gapapa kalo tidak memabukkan". Apa bener seperti itu? seingatku makanan minuman yang sudah jelas keharamannya maka banyak ato sedikit tetap haram walopun tidak sampai mabuk. Saya baca-baca lagi buku agama dan ketemulah hadits ini:
"Dari Jabir bin Abdullah bahwasanya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:"apa yang memabukkan (jika) banyak, maka sedikitnyapun adalah haram". (HR. Tirmidzi, Abu Daud dan Nasa'i)"

Dalam Islam hukum mengenai arak atau khamr ini sudah cukup jelas, yaitu haram. Bukan saja mengkonsumsinya tetapi juga memproduksinya, mengedarkannya, menggunakan manfaatnya, bahkan menolong orang untuk memanfaatkannya.

Tapi saya kan masih pingin menikmati chinese food dan sea food, gimana donk? Gampang, setiap masuk ke warung ato restoran tanya dulu sebelum membeli, apakah menggunakan ang ciu ato ciu-ciu lainnya? Kalo pedagangnya tidak paham (ternyata banyak lho pedagang yg tidak tahu walopun memakai), bawa aja foto gambar ang ciu di atas. Kalo ternyata memakai ya ga jadi beli, sekalian kalo pedagangnya muslim di ingatkan kalo ang ciu itu haram.

Jadi, berhati-hatilah membeli chinese food dan sea food karena ada BEBERAPA pedagang warung tenda, warung kaki lima, restoran yang memakai bahan HARAM. Jangan menggampangkan karena yang jual muslim dan ada tulisan halal maka dianggap tidak memakai bumbu haram, karena ternyata masih banyak pedagang yang tidak tahu kalo ang ciu itu haram.


Ugg Boots

ugg bootsDo you need comfort and beauty boots? make sure ugg boots is your primary choice. Ugg boots make your feet warm and safe in cold weather, and stay comfortable and cool in hot weather.

Shoes has always been a fashion statement for everyone especially for women. You may wear the different shoes when you want to attend an occasion. Of course, you will have more than one pair of shoes because you will wear the different shoes when you go to work, to the party, to the mountain, etc. The shoes also will be different based on the fabrication and material, and then you can match your shoes with the current weather to wear them. Shoes are important to keep the foot safe while walking. It is also important to cover the foot from the heat that may make the skin dry and to keep the foot away from the frostbite when the winter comes. High quality shoes with comfortable materials such as Ugg boots are all that we need to keep the feet healthy through all the seasons.

Ugg is the most popular brand for boots. Ugg boots are very comfortable to worn because they are made of 100% pure wool from Australia which is very soft and comfortable for the feet. Leather materials are also being included to increase the durability of the boots. The designs are very cute and fashionable so that the boots can be combined easily with the mini skirts or the long sweater. Moreover, the boots can make the legs look slender and long. Ugg boots sale is available on the store and online. But, for better purchasing, just visit this site: They offer cheaper prices than the ones which are sold in general stores and provide many ugg boots options.


Investing in Gold Coins

investing gold coinMake sure Gold Coins investment into your alternative investment. Gold is considered stable and has a real value. History proves that gold has not assessed the effects of inflation (zero inflation effect). Do you want to invest in gold coins? please learn first.

Make sure you invest in multiple investment portfolios and also make sure Gold as part of a portfolio investment strategy, in addition to stocks, bonds, land and currency. Theory of Investment, "Do not put all eggs in one basket."

Gold investment is very liquid (cash equivalent) that made them become more reliable in the market and in financial institutions. In several countries gold production is decrease. This is an increase in scarcity of the world's gold resources. Meanwhile, gold demand in some countries the day was increasing. This is one of the factors increasing the price of gold.

The most common form of gold is gold bar with 22 degree (95%) or 24 carat (99%). This is seen as the most well wherever and whenever you sell, the price always follow the applicable international price. There is also a gold coin. A gold coin is a coin made mostly or entirely of gold. Gold has been used for coins practically since the invention of coinage, originally because of gold's intrinsic value. In modern times, most gold coins are intended either to be sold to collectors, or to be used as bullion coins. While obsolete gold coins are primarily collected for their numismatic value, gold bullion coins today derive their value from the metal (gold) content — and as such are viewed by some investors as a "hedge" against inflation or a store of value.


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